Blended Learing

Creating Effective Hybrid & Blended Learning Environments (2-Week Summer Course)

Creating Effective Hybrid & Blended Learning Environments (2-Week Summer Course)

This Spring, educators and students across the world were thrust into distance learning scenarios within a matter of days. Now that we have some experience to reflect back on, let’s consider what practices worked best, which challenges persist, and how we can design more powerful and impactful learning experiences in the future. Given the current projections, educators must now prepare for several scenarios that will include a mix of on-site, distance and blended (or hybrid) learning environments.

New Webinar: Deeper Learning Through Remote & Blended Environments (5/20/20)

New Webinar: Deeper Learning Through Remote & Blended Environments (5/20/20)

Two burning questions have been at the forefront of my thinking lately. 1) How can teachers foster deeper student learning given current educational circumstances?… and 2) How can school and district leaders encourage and support more engaging and authentic learning given the many challenges that we face?