New Self-Paced Course! Gamification and Game-Based Learning

I’m excited to announce the launch of a new self-paced video course called “Gamification and Game-Based Learning.” Participants will learn practical, effective, and research-based strategies that leverage the motivational power of games to engage students and enhance student learning. From game-based assessments and content-aligned educational games, to "gamifying" elements of your own curriculum, this course guides teachers through a variety of edtech tools and teaching strategies that can be readily applied in the classroom.

Access the course here!

Check out the video overview below (and linked here) to learn more about the course structure and contents:

You can also check out another newly released course by EdTechTeacher colleague Greg Kulowiec on “Creating Screencasts and Instructional Videos” here. This course is specifically designed for educators that want to increase their comfort, capacity and ability to create high-quality screencasts to teach, introduce, clarify, and reinforce concepts from your class.

More self-paced EdTechTeacher courses are in development, so keep an eye out for future offerings coming soon. If you have any suggestions for future course content, reach out any time! or on IG and Twitter @TomDriscollEDU. Thanks!