Personalized Learning

Exploring Learner Profiles: Resources, Examples, and Questions to Consider

Exploring Learner Profiles: Resources, Examples, and Questions to Consider

As next-generation assessments and instructional data can help educators gain a deeper understanding of students, the sheer amount of information available can prove challenging.  As discussed in a prior post, educational technologies can amplify the impact of proven formative assessment strategies. But in doing so, educators must often navigate various platforms and other sources of student information that, in many cases, do not seamlessly align or integrate together.

Exploring 10 Strategies That Can Personalize Learning

Exploring 10 Strategies That Can Personalize Learning

This week I had the incredible opportunity to help launch my school district’s new “Personalized Learning Fellowship.” We spent the day exploring the what, why and how of Personalized Learning, while also engaging in deep discussions about the current state of K-12 education and ways that we can shift to create a more relevant and impactful learning experience for our students.

Learner Variability:  The Why of Personalized Learning

Learner Variability:  The Why of Personalized Learning

Over the past few years, in several different roles, I have researched and experimented with various frameworks and approaches to Personalized Learning.  Despite the vast amount of resources out there that describe what personalized learning is and how to implement it, it is often difficult to find quality research that gets to the “why” of personalization.   

Framing the Personalized Learning Discussion

Framing the Personalized Learning Discussion

Although Personalized Learning has gained considerable traction in education, there is still much confusion and, at times, heated debate regarding what this set of ideas actually means and looks like in practice.  Fortunately, there has been a relative convergence of key concepts and essential components of Personalized Learning (PL) that can help frame a more nuanced discussion moving forward as schools explore and implement different iterations of PL.